JAIIB 2025 Syllabus : Exam Pattern, Study Materials PDF Download

JAIIB 2025 Syllabus: The Indian Institute Of Banking & Finance (IIBF) is ready to conduct the exam of Junior Associate of Indian Institute of Banker (JAIIB 2025). So those candidates who are interested can check the detailed JAIIB Syllabus 2025.

JAIIB 2025 Syllabus

After JAIIB Registration we know that you will search for study materials and that’s why we have prepared this article and also a separate article for Sample Papers. The syllabus helps the candidate to know the chapter which will come in the exam. So we are providing here the detailed syllabus along with exam pattern. Candidates can check the JAIIB Exam Syllabus below.

JAIIB Exam Pattern

The IIBF JAIIB Exam Pattern is given below.

  • The question paper consists of 120 MCQs (approx) for 100 marks including the question based on case studies.
  • The mode of examination is online.
  • No negative marking is there for the wrong answer.
  • Duration of the exam is 2 hrs

Latest IIBF JAIIB Syllabus

The detailed syllabus of JAIIB Syllabus is as follows:

Principles and Practice Of Banking

Module A: Indian Financial System

Name Of the Unit Contents
Indian Financial System- An Overview
  • Role Of RBI
  • PDs
  • SLR
  • NBFCs
  • Commercial Banks
  • Equity & Debt Market
  • CRR
  • Cooperative Bank
  • IRDA
  • FIs
Banking Regulation
  • Constitution
  • Functions of RBI
  • Lending
  • Tools of Monetary Control
  • Objectives
  • Regulatory Restrictions on
Retail Banking, Wholesale and International Banking
  • Requirements of importers & exporters, Remittance services
  • Retail Banking: Products, Opportunities
  • International Banking,
  • Universal Banking
  • ADRs
  • GDRs
  • Wholesale banking, Products
  • Participatory Notes
Role of money market, Debt Markets & Forex Market
  • Ads, FEMA, LIBOR, MIBOR etc
  • Types of Money & Debt market Instruments including G-secs
Role and Functions of capital Markets, SEBI
  • Overview of capital market
  • Commonly used terms
  • Financial Products/ Instruments including ASBA, QIP
  • SEBI
  • Stock Exchange
  • Registration of stock brokers, Sub-brokers, Share transfer agents etc
  • QBIs
  • Types of capital issues
Factoring, Forfaiting Services and Off-Balance Sheet items
  • Types of off-balance sheet items
  • Types & advantage of factoring & forfeiting services
CIBIL, Fair Practices code for Debt Collection, BCSBI
  • Codes of BCSBI
  • Role and Functions of CIBIL
  • Fair practices code for Debt Collection
Recent Developments in the Financial System
  • Structure, Reforms in the Indian Financial System
  • Payments and Settlement system
  • Recent developments in Money, Debt, Forex markets
  • Regulatory Framework

 Module B: Functions of Bank

Name Of the Unit Contents
Banker-Customer Relationship
  • Types
  • Services to customers & Investors
  • Different Deposit Products & Services
KYC/AML/ CFT norms
  • PMLA Act
  • KYC Norms
Bankers Special Relationship
  • Mandate
  • Bankers Lien
  • POA
  • Right of Set off
  • Garnishee Orders
Consumer Protection-COPRA, Banking Ombudsman Scheme
  • Operational Aspects of COPRA Act & banking Ombudsman Scheme
Payment and Collection of cheques and Other Negotiable Instruments
  • NI Act
  • Return of Cheques
  • Roles & Duties of Paying & Collecting banks
  • Endorsements
  • Cheque transaction system
  • Forged Instruments
  • Bouncing of Cheques; Its Implications
Operating Accounts of Various types of Customers Operational Aspects of opening and maintaining accounts of different types of customers including Aadhaar, SB Rate Deregulation
Ancillary Services
  • EBT
  • Remittances
  • Govt. business
  • Safe Deposit Lockers
Cash Operations Cash management services and its importance
Principles of Lending, Working capital Assessment and credit monitoring
  • Cardinal Principles
  • Credit Appraisal Techniques
  • WC
  • Terms Loans
  • Operating Cycle
  • Sources of WC Funds & its Estimation
  • Projected Net WC
  • Turnover Method
  • Cash Budget
  • Credit Monitoring & its management
  • Non-fund based limits
  • Base Rate
Priority Sector Advances
  • Targets
  • Recent Developments
  • Sub-Targets
Agricultural Finance
  • Types of Agricultural Loans
  • Risk Mitigation in agriculture (NAIS, MSP etc)
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  • MSMED Act, 2006 Policy package for MSMEs
  • Latest Developments
  • Performance and Credit Rating Scheme
Government Sponsored Schemes
  • SLRS
  • SGSY
  • PMRY
Self Help Groups
  • Need for & Functions of SHGs
  • SHGs & SGSY scheme
  • Role of NGOs in indirect finance to SHGs
  • Capacity Building
Credit cards, Home Loans, Personal loans, consumer loans
  • Operational Aspects, Advantage, Disadvantages & guidelines of credit cards
  • Personal Loans and consumer loans
  • Procedure and Practises for Home loans
  • Types of Documents
  • Securitisation
  • Procedure
  • Stamping
Different modes of charging securities
  • Assignment
  • Lien
  • Pledge
  • Mortgage
  • Set-off
  • Hypothecation
Types of collaterals and their characteristics
  • Land & Buildings
  • Documents of title to goods
  • Goods
  • Advances against insurance policies, Shares, Book debts,
  • Term deposits, Gold etc
Non Performing Assets
  • Definition
  • Income Recognition
  • Provisioning Norms
  • CDR
  • Assest Classification
Financial Inclusion
  • BC
  • Mobile based transaction
  • R SETI
  • Role of ICT in financial inclusion
  • BF

Module C: Banking Technology

Name Of Unit Name Of Content
Essentials of Bank Computerization
  • LANs
  • WANs
  • UPS
  • Computer systems
  • Core Banking
Payment Systems and Electronic Banking
  • ATMs
  • HWAK
  • PIN
  • Electromagnetic cards
  • Electronic Banking
  • Note & Coin Counting Machines
  • Microfiche
  • NPC
  • Signature storage & Retrieval System
  • CTS
Data Communication Network and EFT systems
  • Components & Modes of transmission
  • Automated clearing systems
  • Major networks in India
  • Funds transfer systems
  • Emerging trends in communication networks for banking
  • Evolution of EFT system
  • Recent developments in India
Role of Technology upgradation and its impact on Banks
  • Role & uses of technology upgradation
  • Impact of IT on Banks
  • Trends in technology developments
  • Global trends
Security considerations
  • Risk concern areas
  • Types of threats
  • IS security
  • Control mechanism
  • IS Audit
  • Computer audit
  • Evaluation requirements
Overview of IT Act Gopalakrishna committee recommendations
Preventive vigilance in Electronic banking
  • Phishing
  • Customer Education
  • Precautions
  • Safety checks

Module D: Support Services- Marketing of banking Services/ Products

Name of Unit Name Of Content
Marketing- An Introduction
  • Concept
  • Marketing Mix
  • Products & Services
  • Brand Image
  • Management
Social Marketing/ Networking
  • Importance & Relevance of social marketing/ networking
  • Evolution
Consumer Behavior and Product
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Product planning
  • CRM
  • Development
  • Strategies etc
  • Importance, Objectives, Factors, Methods, Strategies of Pricing
  • Bank Pricing
  • Distribution channels
  • Mobile banking
  • Channels for banking services
  • Net banking
Channel Management Meaning, Levels, Dynamics, Advantages
  • Role of Promotion in Marketing
  • Promotion Mix
Role of Direct selling agent/ Direct marketing agent in a bank
  • Definition
  • Benefits
  • Banker as DSA/ DMA
  • Relevance
  • Delivery Channels in Banks
Marketing information systems- a longitudinal analysis
  • MKIS model
  • Performance of MKIS
  • Use of computers & Decision models
  • Advantage
  • Functions & Components of MKIS

Accounting & Finance for Bankers

Module A: Business Mathematics & Finance

Name Of Unit Name Of Topics
Calculation of Interest and Annuities
  • Sinking Funds
  • Calculation of SI/ CI
  • Fixed and floating interest rates
  • Interest calculation using products/ balances
  • Calculation of equated monthly installments
  • Calculation of Annuities
  • Sinking funds
  • Amortisation of a debt
Calculation of YTM
  • Debt- Definition, meaning & Salient features
  • Loans
  • Introduction to bonds
  • Terms associated with bonds
  • Cost of debt capital
  • Bond value with semi-annual interest
  • Current yield on bond
  • Calculation of yield-to-maturity of bond
  • Theorems for bond value
  • Duration of bond
  • Properties of duration
  • Bond price volatility
Capital budgeting
  • Present value and discounting
  • ARR
  • Investment decision making under condition of uncertainty
  • Expected NPV rule
  • Risk-adjusted discount rate approach for NPV Determination
  • Sensitivity Analysis for NPV determination
  • Decision tree analysis for NPV estimation
  • Payback methods
  • ARR
Depreciation and Its Accounting
  • Depreciation, its types and methods
  •  Comparing Depreciation Methods
Foreign Exchange Arithmetic
  • Fundamentals of Foreign Exchange;
  • Forex Markets
  • Forward Exchange Rates – Forward Points
  • Direct and Indirect Quote
  • Arbitrage
  • Calculating Forward Points
  • Premium/discount
  • Some Basic Exchange Rate Arithmetic – Cross Rate, Chain Rule, Value date, etc.

Module B : Principles of Bookkeeping & Accountancy

Name Of Chapter Name Of Topic
Definition, Scope and Accounting Standards
  • Nature and Purpose of Accounting
  • Accounting Standards in India and its Definition and Scope
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles of USA (US GAAP)
  • Transfer Pricing
  • Overview of IFRS
  • Origins of Accounting Principles
  • Difference between GAAP & IFRS.
  • Historical Perspectives
Basic Accountancy Procedures
  • Concepts of Accountancy
  • Revenue Recognition and Realisation
  • Entity Going Concern Entity
  • Accrual and Cash Basis.
  • Double Entry System
  • Principle of Conservatism
Maintenance of Cash/ Subsidiary Books And Ledger
  • Record Keeping Basics
  • Debit and Credit Concepts
  • Journals
  • Ledgers
  • Account Categories
  • subsidiary books etc.
  • Accounting and Columnar Accounting Mechanics
Bank Reconciliation Statement
  • Need for Bank Reconciliation
  • Adjusting the Cash Book Balance
  • Causes of Differences
  • Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement
  • Advantages of Bank Reconciliation Statement
  • How to prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement when Extracts of Cash Book and Pass Book are given
Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors and Adjusting & Closing Entries
  • Meaning of a Trial Balance
  • Features and Purpose of a Trial Balance
  •  Types of Trial Balance and Preparation of a Trial Balance
  • Disagreement of a Trial Balance
  •  Classification of Errors
  • Location of Errors
  • Rectification of Error
  •  Suspense Account and Rectification
  • Rectification of Errors when Books are closed
  • Adjusting and Closing Entries.
Capital and Revenue Expenditure
  • Expenditure
  • Distinction between Capital and Revenue Expenditure
  • Deferred Revenue Expenditure
  • Receipts
  •  General Illustrations.
Bills of Exchange
  • Types of Instruments of Credit
  •  Term and Due Date of a Bill
  • Certain Important Terms
  • Accounting Entries to be Passed
  • Accommodation Bill etc.

Module C: Final Accounts

Name Of Chapter Name of Topics
Balance sheet equation
  • Computation of Balance Sheet Equation.
  • Balance Sheet Equation
Preparation of Final Accounts
  • Preparation of Trading A/C
  •  Profit and Loss A/C
  • Balance Sheets
  •  Profit & Loss Appropriation Account
Ratio Analysis
  • Meaning of Accounting Ratios
  •  Limitations of Accounting Ratios
  • Uses of Accounting Ratios
  • Calculation and interpretation of various Ratios
  •  Different Users and their Use of Ratios.
  • Classification of Ratios
Final Accounts of Banking Companies
  • Definition and Functions of a Bank
  • Requirements of Banking Companies as to Accounts and Audit
  • Significant Features of Accounting Systems of Banks
  • Principal Books of Accounts
  •  Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements of Banks
  •  CMA Format
  • Additional Disclosures prescribed by RBI
  •  Accounting Treatment of Specific Items
  •  Preparation of Profit and Loss Account
  •  Comments on Profit and Loss Account
  •  Important Items of Balance Sheet
  • Disclosure Requirements of Banks
  • Disclosures required under BASEL norms.
Company Accounts I & II
  • Definition and Types of Companies
  • Classes of Share Capital
  • Issue of Shares
  • Form of Balance Sheet
  • Legal Requirements for Assets
  • General Illustrations Non-voting Shares
  • Legal Requirements for Liabilities
  • Distinction between Partnership and Limited Liability Company
  • Preparation of Final Accounts
  • Legal Requirements for Profit & Loss A/c
Accounting in a Computerized Environment
  • Meaning, Features of and Terms used in Computerized Accounting
  •  Difference between Computerized and Manual Accounting
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Computerized Accounting
  • Functions performed by Computerized Accounting Softwares available in the Market
  •  Computerization – Scope and Experiences in Banking
  • The Core Banking Components
  • Information Security
  • Internet and World Wide Web – Influences on Banking

Module D

Banking Operations Banking Operations & Accounting Functions

 Legal And Regulatory Aspects of Banking

Module No. Name of the module Name Of the Unit in the Module
A Regulations and Compliance Legal Framework of Regulation of Banks
Control Over Organization of Banks
Regulation of Banking Business
Returns Inspection, Winding up, Mergers & Acquisitions
Public Sector Banks and Cooperative Banks
Financial Sector Legislative Reforms
Recent Legislative Changes in RBI Act
Financial Sector Development Council
B Legal aspects of Banking Operations Different Types of Borrowers
  Types of Credit Facilities
  Secured and Unsecured Loans, Registration of Firms and Incorporation of Companies
  Bank Guarantees
  Letters of Credit
  Deferred Payment Guarantees
  Laws Relating to Bill Finance
  Various Types of Securities
  Laws Relating to Securities and Modes of Charging – I
  Laws Relating to Securities and Modes of Charging – II
  Registration and Satisfaction of Charges
  Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying Bank
  Case Laws on Responsibility of Collecting Bank
C Banking Related Laws Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993(DRT Act)
  Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Securities Interest Act (SARFAESI)
  Banking Ombudsmen Scheme
  Bankers Books Evidence Act, 1891
  The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987
  The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and CERSAI
  The Law Of Limitation
  Tax Laws
  Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
  Payment & Settlements Systems Act, 2007
D Commercial Laws with reference to Banking Operations Indian Contract Act, 1872
  The Sale of Goods Act, 1930
  Indian Partnership Act, 1932
  Definition and features of a company
  The Companies Act, 1956
  Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
  Transfer of Property Act, 1882
  The Right to Information Act, 2005
  Right To Information and Obligation of Public Authorities
  The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
  Information Technology Act, 2000


JAIIB Syllabus PDF  Updated Syllabus Link 1 JAIIB Syllabus Link 2

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